Tuesday, 29 November 2022 05:55

The University of Kirkuk holds a panel discussion on Parkinson's disease

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The College of Veterinary Medicine held a panel discussion entitled "Parkinson's Disease (Parkinson's Paralysis), with the participation of the Dean, faculty members and students.The episode included a lecture given by M. M. Aseel Muhammad Rashid, in which she touched on the dangerous Parkinson’s disease, which is a degenerative condition in the brain, which is associated with motor symptoms, including slow movement, tremors, stiffness, imbalance, and restricts the patient’s ability to move, and thus finds great difficulty in all areas of his life. And the development of the symptoms of the disease leads to a high rate of disability among the infected, as well as an indication of the causes and symptoms of the disease, methods of treatment and how to prevent it.The lecturer recommended the need to exercise and eat useful healthy foods that contain vitamins D and E, and to provide continuous health care for the injured.Parkinsons1

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