English Language Center

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Through establishing the idea of quality as the foundation of all operations and defining the criteria of excellence in education and instruction, to become one of the leading English language teaching centers at the national and regional level. The aim of the Center is to offer comprehensive courses through a global program to teach the English language and to provide learners with all the expertise and skills that will increase the standard of academic and technical fields. The center also promotes English teaching by services scheduled in conjunction with the university and Iraq's educational and support institutions.

The University of Kirkuk English Language Center is an instructional and trained center aimed at improving the skills of university graduates and organizations. The center helps as well as specialists and managers in state institutions and teaching workers employed in the Ministry of Higher Education and Science Study and the Ministry of English Language Education and at all levels.

The center aims to fulfill the above targets through:

1- The planning of teaching and advanced training courses in the area of English at a number of stages.

2. Organization of global tests in the English language (TOEFL evaluation, etc.).

3. Contracts with agencies and state agencies to establish and enforce training and learning services in the area of the English language for its participants (teaching teachers, mechanics, technicians and managers).

4. Establishing seminars and training lectures to learn how to offer fellowships and study grants to candidates and students at universities around the world.

5. Spreading information and understanding by different pamphlets, journals and exhibits in the area of the English language.