Tuesday, 29 November 2022 06:10

The University of Kirkuk holds an awareness seminar on peaceful coexistence

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The Directorate of Internal Departments, in cooperation with the College of Education for Human Sciences, held an awareness seminar on peaceful coexistence among members of society, with the participation of employees and students of internal departments.The symposium dealt with the importance of respecting the intellectual differences between university students, academics, and its affiliates, and their role in developing their performance for the development of Iraqi society and benefiting from the experiences of countries in which different components with diverse customs and traditions coexist and their repercussions on the individual for the sustainability of social peace.The symposium recommended the necessity of spreading a culture of tolerance and coexistence and consolidating the basic values of renouncing extremism and achieving justice and equality by activating educational, counseling and media programs that enhance the spirit of citizenship in Iraqi society.Peaceful1

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