Engineering Consulting Bureau

Engineering Consulting Bureau - College of Engineering

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About the Engineering Consulting Bureau

The Engineering Consulting Bureau was established in 2014 and from that time till now it continues offering consults in different fields of engineering practices.



Members of Engineering Consulting Bureau

 A. The Chairman of the Board: Prof. Dr. Chalang Akram Arslan,

     Ph.D. in Civil engineering / Water Resources Engineering

Chalang Akram















 B. The Bureau Manager: Assis. Prof. Dr. Taymoor A. Awchi

      Ph.D. in Water Resources Engineering / Hydrology and Water Resources Management

Taymoor A















 C. The Bureau Member: Assis. Prof. Dr. Dhiadeen Mohammed Salih

    Ph.D. in Computer Control Engineering /Machine Learning, Nonlinear System Identification and Control

Dhiadeen Mohammed















 D. The Bureau Member: Lecturer Dr. Waleed Salahuddin SIDIK

      Ph.D. in Civil Engineering / Geotechnical Engineering

Waleed Salahuddin















 E. The Bureau Member: Lecturer Dr. Rawand Ihsan Jalal

      Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering / Predictive Control for Energy Management in Buildings

Rawand Ihsan















 Types of Services

Consulting, Designing, Feasibility studies, Designs Certificating, Supervising in the fields of Civil Engineering (Geotechnical Eng., Structural Eng., Transport Eng., Water Resources, Hydraulics and Hydrology Eng., and Environmental Engineering), Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Oil and Reservoirs Engineering.

Previous Projects

Some of our previous works are:

1- The supervision and certification for the structural and electrical works of Penja Ali Electrical Station / Kirkuk

2- The designs of Al-Haweja Technical Institute reconstruction project.

3- The evaluation of R3 regulator damages project within the Kirkuk Irrigation Project

4- The re-analysis and re-design of the steel bridge called Shmeat steel bridge in AlHaweja area- AlZab town

5- Analysis and design a retaining wall in Al-Amal Residential Compound in Kirkuk.

6- The structural and electrical design of a nursery and kindergarten within the Kirkuk university campus

7- The check and certification of architectural, electrical and structural designs of the Al-Zuhoor Mole in Kirkuk

8- The design of fire distinguishing system for the seed store of the Mesopotamia state company for seeds

9- Design and estimations of the Kirkuk security directorate building

10- The certification of sliding protection project designs which belongs to the Dibis gas-electricity station

11- the study and evaluation of the damages of Haweeja electric power station

12- Certification of Al-Hulool construction company designs of a swimming pool

13- Certification of test report and designs belongs to the Dar Al-Imran construction company

14- The study and report preparation for the Sari-Tappa compound which belongs to the Aqsa Al-Madena company

15- Certification the designs of two schools (18 and 16 classes) in Kirkuk

16- Test and Calibration of oil storages for brick factory and Kirkuk granary

17- Certification the designs of Kirkuk Tower in Kirkuk

18 - The evaluation of the Olympic Swimming Pool in Kirkuk which belongs to the Ministry of Youth and Athletics

19- The structural design of a Medical Clinic building in Al-Dibis town  / Kirkuk

20- The re-design of the foundations for a 12-class school building in Shorja sector / Kirkuk

21- The certification of structural design of a 24-class school building in Kirkuk

22- The foundation re-design of two schools’ buildings in Aden sector / Kirkuk

23- The foundation re-design of 12-class school building in Imam Kasim sector / Kirkuk

24- Engineering consulting about the retaining wall within the building of Penja Ali Electrical Station

25- Engineering consulting and evaluation of the central heating and cooling equipment of type MPS in control building which belongs to the Directorate of Electrical Power Distribution in Kirkuk

26- The Design of roof sheds of type Kspan for the Baiji Refinery gates

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