Registration and Student Affairs

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We welcome our students at the University of Kirkuk, parents and visitors from outside the university, and we hope to provide the useful information you need and excellent services through our website.

  The Admission and Registration Division is the body responsible for organizing, managing and implementing decisions and regulations related to students ’academic journey from their admission to the university until their graduation from it. The responsibilities of the Admission and Registration Division include the following:

  • Student admission.
  • Student registration.
  • Follow up on students' results.
  • Evaluation and follow-up of students' academic conditions.
  • Audit and awarding degrees.
  • Preparing the university calendar.
  • Monitor students ’academic records.
  • Follow up the grievances and appeals of students.
  • Managing and following up student accounts.
  • Managing and updating the student information system.
  • Preparing and announcing study schedules and examination dates.