Quality Assurance

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The Quality Assurance and Performance Assessment Department were established in the Presidency of the University of Kirkuk with a structure consisting of four divisions:

1. Quality Assurance Division

2. Division of university performance

3. Training and Technical Support Division

4. Laboratory accreditation division.

Below are the four important divisions of quality assurance and performance evaluation:

1. Quality Assurance Division: The Division seeks to spread the culture of quality and achieve the requirements for obtaining accreditation with the quality of the institution and the university’s programs, colleges and various academic programs to enable the university to continue to fulfill its mission and achieve its goals.

Division's tasks are:

1. Review and update the university’s strategy, mission and strategic goals in light of enhancements and developments for the modernization of higher education.

2. Follow-up and implementation of the university’s plan regarding quality assurance in order for the university and its colleges to obtain academic accreditation, which enhances the quality of the educational process at the university.

3. Inculcating awareness among faculty members, students and all university employees of the importance of implementing the quality and accreditation system and consolidating information related to quality assurance and accreditation mechanisms.

4. Laying the foundations, rules and procedures for periodic monitoring and follow-up to implement quality assurance and accreditation standards.

5. Proposing university performance standards and quality control for the components of the educational process related to the university professor, curricula, laboratories, university infrastructures, university students, and performance evaluation processes.

6. Supervising the exchange of information with specialized educational bodies, comparing the standards applied in their universities with what is applied on them, and working to develop them.

7. Proposing and setting work procedures, rules and guides for developing and improving performance in a way that contributes to ensuring the quality of the university’s performance.

8. Providing advice and guidance to university colleges that did not achieve the required levels of quality assurance in the aspects to be accredited.

9. Encouraging the spirit of competition among university colleges to improve the educational process and its outputs.

10. Preparing periodic follow-up reports on the division's activities and submitting them to the Quality Assurance and Accreditation Department at the university.

11. Follow up on all Asian and international university rankings and strive to enter them.

12. Work to improve the university’s ranking in the world classifications in which the university previously entered.

2. University Performance Evaluation Division: The department seeks to measure the level of performance of the university and its colleges to ensure that they meet the requirements for quality assurance and accreditation, in addition to adopting the self-evaluation of the university’s colleges in a systematic manner.

Division's tasks are:

1. Evaluating the university’s performance and doing what is necessary to determine the university’s level and the extent of its quality.

2. Establishing a database for all the activities of the university and its colleges, in order to follow up on the development of the educational process in it.

3. Helping university faculties, through the university performance evaluation units, to conduct self-evaluation studies and the necessary preparation to advance in accreditation.

4. Conducting field studies and participating in them to match the education outputs with the needs of the market and providing directives in this aspect.

5. Ensure that the colleges ’objectives are achieved by taking appropriate measures to evaluate their programs and outputs with various measurement tools.

6. Providing technical advice to the university and its colleges in the field of developing and implementing performance evaluation and quality assurance systems.

7. Establishing the necessary procedures to implement quality assurance standards, on the basis of which it assures the extent to which the university and its colleges meet the requirements of quality and accreditation.

8. Preparing periodic reports on the division’s activities and submitting them to the Quality Assurance and Accreditation Department at the university.

9. Preparing and planning to follow up the self-evaluation of the university’s activities, colleges, and its various programs, and follow up on implementation.

10. Collecting the results of self-evaluation studies, analysing them, stating their advantages and disadvantages, and submitting the necessary proposals to develop and improve their performance.

3. Training and Technical Support Division: The division seeks to establish training courses and continuous improvement of human resources at the university and its colleges. In addition to providing technical support regarding computers and internet networks, establishing a database, and holding conferences and workshops.

Division's tasks are:

1. Take advantage of the results of the self-evaluation of the faculties' performance in directing the inputs of the educational process and suggesting appropriate means for the continuous development and improvement of performance.

2. Working on implementing training courses and workshops that contribute to building the university’s institutional capacity.

3. Working to hold seminars and lectures to spread awareness of promoting a culture of quality, development and continuous improvement in the performance of the university and its various colleges.

4. Establishing programs for continuous improvement of the quality of teaching and learning processes, scientific research and community service.

5. Work to develop work programs to improve the performance of university colleges that have not achieved the required levels of quality in order to overcome the shortcomings in their performance and what is necessary to avoid them to achieve the required level of quality.

6. Working on forming trained faculty members in the field of quality assurance and accreditation at the university and its various colleges.

7. Preparing periodic reports on the division's work and submitting them to the Quality Assurance and Accreditation Department in the field of continuous development and improvement programs for the activities of the university and its colleges.

8. Issuing brochures, brochures and guides to support quality assurance and accreditation.

4. Laboratory Accreditation Division: The Laboratory Accreditation Division seeks for the researcher to obtain accurate results for the quality of scientific research, the sobriety of scientific research and the accuracy of the results of laboratory tests to satisfy the customer in accordance with international quality standards.

Division's tasks are:

1. The Laboratory Accreditation Division is the authority authorized for laboratory accreditation for the faculty laboratories and centers.

2. Follow up the implementation of international standards requirements.

3. Determining which laboratory is better, in a transparent and accurate manner, according to professional indicators that guarantee the accuracy of laboratory evaluation results in the colleges.

4. Uniform coding of laboratory devices.

5. Follow up on the issue of supervision and rehabilitation of faculties' laboratories with different specializations.