Tuesday, 06 December 2022 10:42

The University of Kirkuk discusses the idea of speed and its impact on procedures in the Civil Procedure Law

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The Faculty of Law and Political Science discussed the master's thesis tagged "The Idea of Speed and its Impact on Procedures in the Civil Procedure Law / Comparative Analytical Study by Student Malak Salih Mahdi, and Supervised by Prof. Dr. Ahmed Samir Muhammad. The study aimed to explain the idea of speed in civil procedures and consider it as a result of what the judiciary requires Taking into account the element of time, which is considered one of the judicial requirements in the procedural law, with the aim of completing the procedural work as quickly as possible without this leading to a breach or waste of the guarantees of the validity of basic litigation. 1987 and issued on the basis of Resolution (the degenerate Revolutionary Command Council) No. (669) of 8/23/1987, as it does not meet the current requirements of judicial work, especially with the increase in the number of civil lawsuits, which results in an increase in them.malaksalih1

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