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Kirkuk University discusses the effect of organic fertilizers and amino acids on young pomegranate trees, the Wonderful variety.

Kirkuk University discusses the effect of organic fertilizers and amino acids on young pomegranate trees, the Wonderful variety.

A master’s thesis at the College of Agriculture discussed the effect of organic fertilizers and amino acids on the growth and mineral content of young pomegranate trees, Punica granatum L., Wonderful cultivar, by student Astera Abdullah Omar and under the supervision of Assistant Professor Dr. Raad Ahmed Maidan.

The study aimed to improve the vegetative growth and mineral content of young pomegranate trees of the Wonderful variety, by adding organic fertilization (poultry waste and humic acid) and spraying amino acids at different concentrations, determining the best levels among the factors studied individually, and arriving at the best combination between the factors in an interdependent manner.

The study concluded that adding 500 gm Shajar-1 was superior to poultry manure in most of the vegetative growth traits, mineral content of young pomegranate trees during the study season, and a clear response to adding 30 gm Shajara-1 of humic acid, which gave a significant increase in most of the traits studied and the effects. Positive effects of foliar spraying with amino acids at a concentration of 10 ml L-1 in many traits of vegetative growth, mineral content of leaves, and branches of young pomegranate trees. The coefficients showed that the bilateral interaction between adding organic fertilization (poultry waste and humic acid) and spraying with amino acids had a significant effect in improving the traits. Vegetative and chemical growth of young pomegranate trees.

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