The College of Agriculture was established at the University of Kirkuk in 2005 AD and included two scientific departments: (the Department of Horticulture, and its name was changed to the Department of Horticulture and Landscape Design later in 2009 AD, and the Department of Animal Production). Later, the Department of Soil Sciences and Water Resources and the Department of Field Crops were established, and studies began in them in 2010 AD. Then The Department of Forestry Sciences was established, which received their students for the academic year (2013-2014), were strengthened, and in 2023 the Department of Poultry Sciences was created as an advanced specialized step in animal production sciences.
Preparatory school graduates are accepted according to the central distribution of students through the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. Graduates of agricultural institutes from the top ten or distinguished employees in various state departments and candidates are accepted through their various ministries according to specialization.
The college adopts the system of semester lessons (courses) as its study system. The duration of study in the college is four academic years, with two semesters for each year and an average of (fifteen weeks) for each semester, bringing the total number of semesters to eight semesters during which the student receives various sciences in his field of specialization, after... The student successfully passes all of his methodological courses and completes the academic units required of him, in addition to submitting a graduation thesis with a seminar in his field of specialization. The student is granted a bachelor’s degree in agricultural sciences, each in his field of specialization, and the agricultural professional unions grant the title of agricultural engineer to graduates of colleges of agriculture.
At the beginning of 2013, evening studies were introduced in the College of Agriculture in horticultural sciences and Landscape Design to receive those wishing to study from graduates of the preparatory school (scientific branch) and graduates of the agricultural preparatory school. The same courses and study units applied in the morning study are adopted, and the graduate is granted a bachelor’s degree in agricultural sciences, just like the graduates. Morning study in exchange for specific amounts of money paid by the student as wages for each year of study. Approvals were obtained to create the Departments of Livestock and Field Crops Sciences in accordance with Administrative Order No. 7/40/2760 on 12/20/2021 AD, and actual study began in the Field Crops Department at the beginning of the year. Academic year (2022 - 2023) AD.
In the academic year (2012 - 2013), the College of Agriculture began granting a master’s degree in the Department of Horticulture and Landscape Design. In his first year, the student studies the academic vocabulary determined by his scientific specialization, and after successfully passing it, the student begins his academic research and is discussed by a specialized scientific committee, during which the student is awarded Master's degree in horticulture and Landscape Design, depending on the specific specialty.
The Deanship of the College of Agriculture continued to introduce master’s graduate studies in the rest of the scientific departments, as a master’s study was created in the Animal Production Department for the academic year (2014-2015) and a master’s study was created in the Field Crops Department for the academic year (2015-2016). Also, a master’s degree study was introduced in the Department of Soil Sciences and Water Resources for the academic year (2020-2021).
The doctoral study was established in the Department of Animal Production during the academic year (2018-2019) AD and in the various specializations included within the department, and the first doctoral degree was granted in mid-2021 AD. Currently, the Deanship of the College of Agriculture, after completing the legal requirements for the conditions for creation, has presented the doctoral study in crop sciences. Field sciences, horticulture, and Landscape Design with its three precise specializations (ornaments, fruits and vegetables, and the sciences divided under these specializations). The Deanship of the College of Agriculture seeks, with unremitting efforts, to introduce a higher diploma study in forest sciences.
An Overview About The College
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