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Department of Animal Production

The department was established in 2005 with the aim of training and graduating scientific cadres specialized in the sciences of livestock and their various types. Study in the Animal Production Department includes all sciences related to poultry birds, sheep, cows, buffalo, fish, and others, which have a direct relationship to human daily food, clothing, and their various needs. The duration of study in the department is four years. The student discusses theoretical lessons and practical observations, as the college administration has provided scientific laboratories equipped with various devices and mini fields for various types of livestock so that the student can watch and practice the theoretical information he receives, which qualifies him to establish various animal projects such as raising poultry, raising cows, fattening calves, raising sheep and goats, and raising Fish and supervision of fields and civil projects. Students are taken on field trips outside and within the governorate to increase the level of field observations and scientific experience for the students.

The master's degree was established in the Department of Animal Production in 2013, then the doctoral degree was created in 2018, and the first doctorate degree was awarded in 2021, making it the first doctorate degree awarded at the University of Kirkuk. The department is headed by Assistant Professor Dr. Qana Hussen Amin.

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