About The College
College of Agriculture

About The College
The College of Agriculture was established in 2005, expressing a response required by the necessities of developing agriculture in Kirkuk. Students graduating from preparatory school are accepted according to the central distribution of preparatory school students through the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. Graduates of agricultural institutes from the top ten and distinguished employees from state departments are accepted.

College Council
The Council is responsible for discussing and following up on the implementation of decisions related to the conduct of the academic process in the college and some administrative issues raised by the Dean of the College, voting on innovation decisions, concluded agreements, various scientific activities, and forming scientific discussion committees. The Council holds its sessions periodically and submits recommendations to the University Councilt to authenticate it.

Vision And Objectives
The Vision
The College of Agriculture seeks to advance and excel in teaching agricultural sciences and their applications to prepare specialized agricultural cadres qualified to keep pace with the requirements of development plans and the needs of the labor market, so that the college becomes among the best colleges of agriculture at the local and Arab levels.

The Geographical Location
The College is located in the city of Kirkuk(Iraq), in the Shoraw area