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Department of Field Crops

The Field Crops Department was established in 2012 AD as a response to the demand of the labor market, as Kirkuk Governorate, with its various agricultural regions, is considered one of the advanced governorates in the production of major field crops. The department studies all sciences related to the cultivation, maintenance, breeding, and improvement of plants included within field crops. The department is provided with advanced laboratories, in addition to allocating fields within the Agricultural research and experiments station for the department’s students. In 2016, a master’s study was established in the department, and in 2022 an integrated study was presented to create a doctoral study in the department, and the necessary approvals are awaited for that.

A cooperation agreement was signed with the Agricultural Training Extension Center in Kirkuk. The terms of the agreement include the department’s teachers giving lectures, participating in the training courses that the center holds for farmers in the governorate, and supervising the Ministry of Agriculture’s programs implemented in the center’s experimental fields. The department’s teachers also participate in scientific committees within And outside the university, the center’s fields are actual viewing stations for undergraduate students and centers for conducting research for postgraduate students. The department is headed by Prof. Dr. Khattab Abdullah Mohammed.

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