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Citizens Affairs Unit

The Citizens Affairs Unit is one of the units affiliated with the Office of the Dean of the College, and its work revolves around several axes:

1- Receiving all types of requests and complaints from citizens of all categories (teachers - employees - students - citizens)
2- Follow up on requests, find solutions to them, and provide all possible facilities to utilize all administrative and legal mechanisms, and forms a close link between the citizen and the government institution within a framework of objectivity and mutual respect.

Unit Tasks:

Through the directives and instructions of the Citizens Affairs Department at the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, a number of tasks were launched that contributed to the work of the unit in the college:

- Listening to citizens’ complaints, following them up, solving problems, and simplifying procedures for them.
- Receiving all citizens from different groups, listening to them and their complaints, and working to direct them to the correct mechanisms that guarantee their requests and the completion of their work by reviewing the departments and divisions.
- Submitting monthly, semi-annual and annual reports on all activities conducted by the unit and submitting them to the office of the honorable dean.
- Receiving and following up on requests and complaints sent by the Office of the University President/Citizens Affairs Division.

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