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Postgraduate Studies Division


Postgraduate studies were established in the College of Agriculture in 2012 , and today the College of Agriculture awards a master’s degree in horticultural sciences and landscape engineering, animal production sciences, field crop sciences, soil sciences and water resources, and grants a doctorate degree in philosophy in animal production sciences in its various specializations. Initial approval was obtained to grant a doctorate degree in horticultural sciences and garden engineering. in the specific specializtion of  decorations and fruits.

The Graduate Studies Division in the college undertakes the organizational and administrative tasks for the progress of graduate studies, and the scientific departments undertake scientific supervision and all stages of teaching and the research project for the student to obtain the degree. Central application for postgraduate studies begins on the first of May of each year through the websites of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. Competitive examinations are conducted for candidates after submission and scrutiny of priorities, and the results of initial admission are announced immediately after the end of the competitive examination. Application is made through four channels, including (the general channel , the private channel, the channel for the families of the martyrs, the channel for political prisoners) and every person who graduates from the faculties of agriculture, morning and evening studies, has the right to apply for studies in his scientific specialization or specializations related to it after conducting a scientific clearing by the scientific committee in the relevant department to consider whether he is accepted or not. It is also accepted. The college serves employees of state departments in agricultural specializations and candidates from their departments to complete their studies.

The duration of study to obtain a master’s degree is (24 months), the first year is preparatory, and the second year is researchal, which can be extended twice according to the student’s need. As for the PhD, the duration of study is (36 months). The first year is preparatory, and the next two years are researchal after the student passes the comprehensive exam, both theoretical and oral, and is subject to extension. According to the student's need.

The college has prepared special classrooms for postgraduate students for each department, along with two central halls for general discussions. The scientific departments provide all the laboratories and field fields that the student needs during the period of study. The college also signed memorandums of cooperation with research centers and private companies for the purpose of facilitating the work of postgraduate students and benefiting from the capabilities of these institutions and supporting them during the period of study. Most of the doctoral students’ research projects and part of the master’s students’ projects address the problems faced by the public and private agricultural sectors and other related sciences within Prior understandings.

Duties of the Graduate Studies Division:

1- Preparing and unifying the admission plan for postgraduate studies annually.

2- Supervising the application for academic leave annually and reviewing it for the purpose of approval by the Ministry.

3- Supervising and following up on the procedures for applying for postgraduate studies, standardizing them, and issuing an administrative order for acceptance.

4- Supervising and following up on the implementation of the Ministry’s instructions regarding application, acceptance, extension, postponement, and promotion of enrollment for postgraduate students.

5- Completing the procedures for organizing the files of accepted graduate students, including checking documents and verifying the validity of issuances.

6- Referring master’s theses to the linguist and scientific evaluator after submitting them to the scientific department and after controlling the percentage of plagiarism.

7- Issuing administrative orders regarding the formation of discussion committees for postgraduate students in accordance with ministerial instructions.

8- Organizing the academic history of students who have completed the requirements for submitting the thesis in order to issue the university order granting them a certificate.

9- Authentication and issuance of documents for postgraduate students.


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