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Kirkuk University discusses the effect of adding lycopene compared to vitamin C in reducing heat stress in broilers.

Kirkuk University discusses the effect of adding lycopene compared to vitamin C in reducing heat stress in broilers.

The College of Agriculture, University of Kirkuk, discussed a master’s thesis on the effect of adding lycopene compared to vitamin C in alleviating heat stress in broilers raised in the summer in Iraq and its impact on productive and physiological performance, by student Rusul Jamal Muhammad, and under the supervision of Professor Dr. Ammar Qahtan Shanoun, and Assistant Professor Dr. Nidhal Abdel-Ghani Mustafa. .

The study aimed to "know more of the mechanisms and interactive pathways caused by heat stress within the bird's body for the purpose of reducing its harmful effects."

The study concluded, “The addition of liquid lycopene and vitamin C to the diet of broilers exposed to heat stress has led to a significant improvement in the traits studied.”


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