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Scientific cooperation between the Universities of Kirkuk and Ankara in publishing research in an international journal.

Scientific cooperation between the Universities of Kirkuk and Ankara in publishing research in an international journal.

The researcher from the College of Agriculture, University of Kirkuk, Dr. Hussein Abdullah Ahmed, in cooperation with researchers from the College of Agriculture, Ankara University - Turkey, was able to publish a scientific research in the journal In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology - Animal, which is classified within the Clarivate and Scopus journals.

The researcher explained that the aim of the study is to produce the first generation of genetically modified, insect-resistant crops for use in food consumption. Giving crops resistance to some pests, diseases, environmental conditions and chemical treatments, i.e. resistance to herbicides.

The researcher stated that their study showed that the activity of the genes transferred to the plant will be high only in the areas where the insect bites, and there will be little or no protein production in other organs, including the tuber. As a result, transgenic plants can be easily accepted by consumers with higher nutritional value and insect-resistant strains can be produced faster compared to traditional plant breeding methods.

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