Wednesday, 07 December 2022 06:20

The University of Kirkuk discusses the effectiveness of defeat and victory in retrieving images of the past in pre-Islamic poetry

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The College of Education for Human Sciences discussed the doctoral dissertation entitled "The Effectiveness of Defeat and Victory in Retrieving Images of the Past in Pre-Islamic Poetry", by student Walaa Abdul Karim Nasser, and supervised by Prof. Dr. Sami Jassim Muhammad.The thesis included knowledge of how defeat and victory affect the resurrection of images of the past through evocation as a reaction that the poet resorts to, affected by multiple psychological and social factors.The results of the study reached the effect of retrieving images of the effective past in confronting opponents in war and peace as part of the media propaganda of the poet and his tribe, as well as enhancing self-strength in facing the situations it is exposed to as a result of old age, as a result of slavery, or as a result of the unequal relationship with women.The letter aimed to shed light on the victories achieved by the poet and his tribe in the past, to record this among the exploits of the poet and the tribe, describing poetry as the only means available to perpetuate the works of that time.

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