Monday, 28 November 2022 08:29

The University of Kirkuk holds a scientific symposium on blood transfusion

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The College of Science held a scientific symposium entitled (Blood transfusion is a double-edged sword) in cooperation with the Kirkuk Health Department, with the participation of a number of specialized researchers. The symposium included several lectures, the first of which was given by Prof. Dr. Nawal Abdullah Murtada, in which she explained blood components and anticoagulant chemicals Used in preserving blood and its various components, pathological conditions that require blood transfusion, laboratory tests that are performed on the donor’s blood before transfusion to the patient, and the importance of blood donation in the treatment of various diseases. The path of blood, which often ends in death, knowing the types of viruses and their harm in this field, in addition to a lecture given by Prof. Dr. Israa Ghassan Zainal, in which she discussed the advantages and benefits of blood transfusion for donors, as well as the risks and disadvantages of the blood transfusion process, how to reduce and control it, and the reasons for the occurrence of complications during The process of blood transfusion and how to avoid it. The symposium recommended paying attention to the scientific methods approved by the Ministry of Health and the World Health Organization (WHO) in terms of hygiene and sterilization. The application of health conditions during the blood draw and the necessity of conducting the laboratory tests required for the donor before giving blood, and finally instructing the donor to give the correct personal information when filling out the donor information form in order to preserve his and the patient’s safety.nj1

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