Thursday, 24 November 2022 06:12

The University of Kirkuk organizes a scientific symposium on modern methods of trading and marketing horticultural crops

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The College of Agriculture organized a scientific advisory symposium on modern methods of trading and marketing horticultural crops, with the presence and participation of two teachers and specialists in the field of agricultural marketing. Packaging, storage, refrigerated transport, additional treatments, artificial ripening, knowledge of modern scientific methods in harvesting and storing horticultural crops, the causes and factors affecting the deterioration and damage of horticultural crops, knowledge of standard factors in horticultural crops, and the most important safe treatments that are used before and after harvest to increase storage capacity and improve quality in horticultural crops. The symposium consisted of three lectures, the first was delivered by Prof. Dr. Muhammad Abdel Aziz Latif, in which he touched on the concept of post-harvest physiology, while the second lecture presented by Prof. Dr. Metin Yilmaz Izz al-Din demonstrated the modern scientific methods used in picking and storing flowers, as well as About a lecture given by Prof. Dr. Khattab Abdullah Muhammad, in which he clarified the problems and obstacles of marketing horticultural crops. The symposium recommended innovations Production inputs and government intervention in setting prices for horticultural crops, granting interest-free loans for establishing agricultural projects, closing borders and not allowing the importer during the period of local production, establishing refrigerated warehouses near agricultural production sites, developing manufacturing factories and absorbing surplus production, and placing Regulations and laws to control the marketing process, as well as activating the role of marketing guidance and creating a formation within the Ministry of Agriculture or Trade concerned with marketing horticultural crops.gardening1

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