Tuesday, 01 November 2022 18:20

The University of Kirkuk holds a workshop on the mechanism of storing fruits

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Hawija College of Agriculture, Department of Medicinal and Industrial Plants, held a workshop entitled (fruit storage) in the presence of a number of teachers and affiliates. Juan Ghazi Muhammad, on how to determine the basis for the success of its storage by different systems or methods, by its ability to withstand storage after collection and packaging, and to maintain its fresh condition for the longest possible period in appropriate conditions for its storage without losing weight, or decreasing its resistance to infection by infectious and non-communicable diseases, or deteriorating The quality of its fruits and their nutritional value. The workshop included reviewing the mechanism of cold storage, in this way, in order to control the growth and spread of microorganisms that cause fungal and bacterial diseases, as cold storage is one of the cheapest methods suitable for storing horticultural crops in a fresh condition and for a long period.jwan1

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