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A master's thesis at the University of Kirkuk discusses the effect of seed activation treatments on the growth, yield and quality of Shelami wheat varieties.

A master's thesis at the University of Kirkuk discusses the effect of seed activation treatments on the growth, yield and quality of Shelami wheat varieties.

 A master's thesis at the College of Agriculture discussed the effect of seed activation treatments on the growth, yield and quality of Shelmi wheat varieties, by the student Saleh Rashid Abdul, under the supervision of Assistant Professor Dr. Ali Hussein Rahim, and Dr. Hassan Habib Hassan. The study aimed to know the effect of seed activation treatments of growth regulators, vitamins and potassium nitrate in enhancing the growth, yield and quality characteristics of Shelmi wheat varieties. The study concluded that treatment with ascorbic acid was the best treatment for seed activation in the laboratory experiment, while treatment with salicylic acid and potassium nitrate was the best treatment for seed activation in the field experiment. The Admiral variety was the earliest variety to reach the ear-extrusion stage and was superior in some components of the yield, while the Sara variety performed the best in terms of grain yield, while the Al-Muhandis variety was superior in most qualitative characteristics.

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