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A master's thesis at the University of Kirkuk discusses the effect of spraying with Calboron and Kelpak on the fruits of the Fragaria

A master's thesis at the University of Kirkuk discusses the effect of spraying with Calboron and Kelpak on the fruits of the Fragaria

A master's thesis at the College of Agriculture discussed the effect of spraying with Calboron and Kelpak on the growth, yield and storage characteristics of the fruits of two varieties of Fragaria and consumers' opinions about their sensory characteristics, by the student Nour Mohammed Saeed Abdul Hussein, and under the supervision of Assistant Professor Dr. Mohammed Abdul Aziz Latif, and Professor Dr. Khattab Abdullah Mohammed.

The study aimed to know the effect of Calboron and Kelpak on the growth, quality, quantity and storage characteristics of Fragaria fruits and to identify consumers' preference for the characteristics of Fragaria fruits.

And to compare the degree of consumers' evaluation of the sensory characteristics of the fruits of the two varieties of Fragaria Albiun and Rubygem, and to determine the correlation between some of the distinctive characteristics of consumers represented by age, gender, smoking, number of fruits consumed and their preference for the characteristics of Fragaria fruits.

The study concluded that the interaction between the varieties and Calboron and Calbak led to significant superiority in most of the studied traits, especially at the interaction level of 2 ml.L-1 Calboron and 4 ml.L-1 Calbak, and the Albiun variety outperformed the Rubygem variety in all studied traits.

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