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Kirkuk University discusses the effect of injecting eggs with different levels of organic selenium and spirulina algae extract

Kirkuk University discusses the effect of injecting eggs with different levels of organic selenium and spirulina algae extract

The Faculty of Agriculture discussed a master's thesis on the effect of injecting eggs with different levels of organic selenium and spirulina algae extract on hatching characteristics, production performance and blood biochemistry of broiler chickens, by the student Honer Fahmy Taher, under the supervision of Assistant Professor Dr. Qana Hussein Amin, and Assistant Professor Dr. Mohammed Sabah Baha' El-Din.

The study aimed to evaluate the injection of eggs with organic selenium and spirulina algae and study their effect on the hatching rate, embryonic mortality rate and growth performance after subsequent hatching, as well as the blood biochemical characteristics of broiler chickens up to 42 days old.

The study concluded that injecting eggs with organic selenium and spirulina algae extract led to a significant increase in the studied characteristics.

Hunarfahmi thesis 2