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Kirkuk University discusses the propagation of petunia plants outside the living body

Kirkuk University discusses the propagation of petunia plants outside the living body

The College of Agriculture discussed a master's thesis on the propagation of Petunia hybrida outside the living body, by the student Taban Falah Kamal, under the supervision of Professor Dr. Kifaya Ghazi Saeed Al-Saad and Assistant Professor Dr. Ali Muhammad Nouri.

The study aimed to employ the technology of cultivation outside the living body to obtain petunia seedlings in large numbers, due to the economic importance of this plant, and to speed up the obtaining of petunia seedlings in a short time compared to traditional methods and without being bound by agricultural seasons, and seedlings that carry the same characteristics of the mother plant to preserve the variety.

The study concluded the possibility of propagating petunia outside the living body and obtaining plants in large numbers, the possibility of inducing callus from the growing tips and leaves used for this, differentiating callus into new plants, and producing artificial seeds for petunia plants propagated in the laboratory and the possibility of storing and preserving them.


tabanfalah thesis 2

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