Under the patronage of the respected President of the University of Kirkuk, Professor Dr. Imran Jamal Hassan, and under the supervision of the Dean of the College of Agriculture, Assistant Professor Dr. Osamah Ibrahim Ahmed, the Psychological Counseling and Educational Guidance Unit, in cooperation with the College’s Legal Division, organized an awareness seminar on moral values and legal controls for university students on Sunday, March 17. 2024, in the presence of the Assistant Dean for Scientific Affairs and Graduate Studies, Professor Dr. Ammar Qahtan Shanoon, the teaching staff and the college students. The symposium included a lecture delivered by Dr. Kota Anwar Muhammad, in which she explained the most important laws and instructions that the student must adhere to on campus, such as not harming religious beliefs, national unity, or nationalist feelings, or deliberately provoking sectarian, ethnic, or religious strife in deed or word, and not Abusing the Ministry or its institutions by word or deed, and avoiding everything that is inconsistent with university behavior in high discipline and respect for the administration, faculty, staff, and collegial relations.

An awareness seminar at the College of Agriculture on ethical values and legal regulations for university students
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