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A lecturer at the College of Agriculture participates in the first regular meeting of the Central Ministerial Committee for Afforestation

A lecturer at the College of Agriculture participates in the first regular meeting of the Central Ministerial Committee for Afforestation

The lecturer and rapporteur of the Department of Forestry Sciences at the College of Agriculture, and the official of the afforestation unit at the University of Kirkuk, Asst. Lecturer Muhammad Muntaz Ibrahim, participated in the first regular meeting of the Central Ministerial Committee for Afforestation, which was organized by the Research and Development Department of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.

The official of the afforestation unit at Kirkuk University explained that, in implementation of the directives of the Prime Minister, and under the supervision of the Supreme National Committee for Urban Afforestation, the first periodic meeting of the Central Ministerial Committee for Afforestation was held, which was organized by the Research and Development Department of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.

He added that the attendees discussed the mechanism for implementing the national plan for university planting and its formations within the supreme national plan for urban planting.


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