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Lecturer at the College of Agriculture participates as a member of a master’s thesis discussion committee at the University of Dohuk.

Lecturer at the College of Agriculture participates as a member of a master’s thesis discussion committee at the University of Dohuk.

The lecturer and head of the Department of Horticulture and Landcape Engineering at the College of Agriculture, University of Kirkuk, Professor Dr. Kifaya Ghazi Saeed Al-Saad, participated as a member of the discussion committee for a master’s thesis by the student Muhammad Zaki Ayoub, College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences, University of Dohuk.

The Lecturer explained, “The thesis that I discussed dealt with a study

(The influence of planting dates, propagation media, and auxine concentrations on rooting of two cypress species cuttings)"

The lecturer stated, “The study aimed to know the effect of several basic factors, two dates for taking cuttings, treatment with different concentrations of auxins (IBA + NAA), and cultivation of two types of cypress cuttings in different media.”

She added, "The study concluded that the mind responds significantly and positively to the study factors in a varying manner."

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