( Dean's Messages - About the college - College departments – Electronic college guide)

College of Veterinary Medicine in Brief:
The College of Veterinary Medicine at Kirkuk University was established in the academic year 2013-2014. The aim of its establishment was to prepare specialized scientific cadres in veterinary medicine who contribute to protecting animals from diseases, diagnosing diseases when they occur, and treating them to preserve and develop livestock and increase their productive efficiency. In the future, these specialized cadres will play a role in serving the community in the areas of public health related to combating common diseases transmitted from animals to humans through food.
College branches
The Department of Diseases and Poultry Diseases aspires to become a model department among the colleges of veterinary medicine in Iraq for the purpose of advancing the diagnostic aspect of veterinary diseases as well as the aspect of forensic medicine, pathological anatomy and fish diseases. The department works to graduate veterinarians at a high level from the scientific and scientific side.
The branch is committed to preparing distinguished and competent veterinarians who are able to meet the needs of society in the field of public health and who have the ability to provide scientific research to solve the health problems of society through monitoring meat and milk produced in slaughterhouses, stations and dairy industry factories.
The department relies on teaching anatomy, histology and embryology on highly experienced faculty members with excellent qualifications in teaching and scientific research. Teaching is done using samples prepared by the department’s teaching staff of different animal organs for the purpose of comparing different animal groups, keeping pace with what is taught in other Arab and international universities.
The Department of Physiology and Pharmacology is part of the College of Veterinary Medicine. The department teaches chemistry, physiology and pharmacology to first-year students, general chemistry, biochemistry and physiology to second-year students. The department works to be one of the leading departments in the field of research and teaching among similar departments in Iraqi veterinary colleges
Parasitology is considered one of the basic sciences taught in the colleges of the medical and science group... It includes parasitology (worms, protozoa, and insects) and is taught to third-year students in addition to providing scientific consultations to some relevant departments.
Members of the Microbiology Department seek to excel in the field of veterinary medicine within the frameworks used in veterinary medicine education systems in the Arab world and internationally, with the aim of studying the microorganisms that cause many diseases in animals.
It is considered one of the most important scientific branches in the College of Veterinary Medicine, as it is directly related to qualifying the student to be a successful veterinarian by working on teaching him and informing him of all aspects related to learning methods of diagnosing diseases and prescribing the necessary treatments for medical cases
The Department of Surgery and Obstetrics is one of the most important clinical scientific departments that were established in the college. The department teaches veterinary surgery subjects to fourth and fifth year students, as well as veterinary obstetrics and reproductive diseases in various field animals for both fourth and fifth years. Practical and clinical lessons on the department’s subjects are given to primary year students by performing various surgicaloperations and all examinations on field animals in our college’s animal field.
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Electronic Veterinary Clinic
To identify diseases of poultry farms and hatcheries
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To learn about diseases that affect sheep and cows
To learn about diseases that affect pets
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