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A Master’s thesis at the University of Kirkuk examines the relationship between growth stages, thermal accumulation, and the estimation of genetic parameters for yellow corn genetic structures.

A Master’s thesis at the University of Kirkuk examines the relationship between growth stages, thermal accumulation, and the estimation of genetic parameters for yellow corn genetic structures.

A Master’s thesis at the University of Kirkuk examined the relationship between growth stages, thermal accumulation, and the estimation of genetic parameters for yellow corn genetic structures.

The thesis defense was attended by Professor Dr. Abdullah Ali Mohammed Tamim, Assistant University President for Scientific Affairs, and Assistant Professor Dr. Osama Ibrahim Ahmed, Dean of the College of Agriculture. For the first time, the defense included a remote discussion via video conference with Professor Dr. Zakaria Ibrahim Al-Ajlouni from the Faculty of Agriculture at Jordan University of Science and Technology. The thesis focused on analyzing growth stages, thermal accumulation, and estimating genetic parameters for yield and its components in yellow corn genetic structures under different planting dates.

Presented by student Maryam Ibrahim Hassoun, the study aimed to evaluate yellow corn genetic structures for yield traits, understand thermal accumulation patterns, determine genetic variance components, coefficients of variation, broad-sense heritability, and expected genetic improvement related to yellow corn genotypes under varying planting schedules.

Key Findings:

  • Genetic differences in growth stages: Dutch genetic structures reached most growth stages fastest, particularly early stages, while the Royal genotype was the slowest.

  • Thermal accumulation: The Royal genotype showed superior thermal accumulation during advanced stages (VT and VR) and achieved the highest plant height and ear row number in the third planting date.

  • Genetic vs. environmental variance: Genetic variance exceeded environmental variance for most traits, highlighting the significance of genetic factors in trait expression.

The study underscores the importance of selecting genotypes based on growth stage efficiency and thermal responsiveness to optimize yield and adaptability under diverse agricultural conditions.

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