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Kirkuk University discusses the effect of moisture depletion and adding compost on some physical properties of soil and potatoes

Kirkuk University discusses the effect of moisture depletion and adding compost on some physical properties of soil and potatoes

The Faculty of Agriculture discussed a master's thesis on the effect of moisture depletion and compost addition on some physical properties of soil and growth and yield of potatoes under two types of subsurface drip irrigation pipes, by the student Khozan Sharif Aziz, under the supervision of Professor Dr. Hussain Thaher Taher, and Assistant Professor Dr. Wael Fahmy Abdel Rahman.

The study aimed to compare the performance of two types of subsurface drip irrigation pipes (T_ tape and nano) through the hydraulic properties of the system, and to know the extent of potato plant response to two types of pipes through growth and yield characteristics, and to know the effect of moisture depletion rate and compost addition on water consumption and water use efficiency and some physical properties of soil.

The study concluded that the evaluation of the hydraulic parameters of the drip irrigation system before and after the end of the experiment showed the superiority of the nano dripper in maintaining the pattern of these parameters. The addition of compost led to an increase in the volumetric moisture content of the soil, a decrease in the apparent density values, an increase in the soil porosity, the weighted diameter rate, and the saturated water conductivity compared to the treatments of not adding compost. The use of T-tape drip irrigation pipe led to an increase in the volumetric moisture content, a decrease in the apparent density values, and an improvement in most of the physical properties of the soil, growth indicators, and yield. The moisture depletion rate gave a 35% increase in the volumetric moisture content values.


khozansharif thesis 2