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The College of Agriculture organizes a scientific trip for its students to the Shewa Sur area

The College of Agriculture organizes a scientific trip for its students to the Shewa Sur area

Under the supervision of the Dean of the College of Agriculture, University of Kirkuk, Assistant Professor Dr. Osamah Ibrahim Ahmed, the Presidency of the Department of Soil Sciences and Water Resources organized a scientific trip for the department’s students to the Shiwa Sur area and under the supervision of a group of the department’s teachers.

Professor Dr. Dalshad Rasool Aziz, one of the Professors in the Department of Soil and Water Resources, and one of the supervisors of the scientific trip, explained that the aim of organizing this scientific trip to the Shewa Sur area is to acquaint students, in a field manner, with the geomorphological and geological features, the various soil profiles, the causes of their formation, and the effect of erosion processes on the structure and composition. Soil, which has been studied theoretically in the department's curriculum.

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