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A scientific lecture at Kirkuk University on the optimal exploitation of water resources in irrigating field crops

A scientific lecture at Kirkuk University on the optimal exploitation of water resources in irrigating field crops

Under the patronage of the respected President of the University of Kirkuk, Professor Dr. Imran Jamal Hassan, and under the supervision of the Dean of the College of Agriculture, Assistant Professor Dr. Osama Ibrahim Ahmed, and the Head of the Department of Soil Sciences and Water Resources, Assistant Professor Dr. Salah Jassim Amin, the department organized a scientific lecture on the optimal use of water resources in irrigation of crops. Field session in light of climate change, with the presence and participation of faculty and department students.

The teaching staff, Assistant Professor Dr. Wael Fahmy Abdel Rahman, explained, through a lecture he gave, that the aim of holding this activity is to know the extent of the impact of climate changes and global warming in exacerbating the problem of drought and its impact on water resources, and also to identify the most important methods and techniques used in setting a date. Irrigation and the amounts of water that must be added each irrigation to increase the efficiency of water use.

The lecturer recommended the necessity of using moisture sensors (GS3 type) and the sensor (Definer 2000) in determining the irrigation date and the amounts of water added to irrigate crops, and working to improve the physical properties of the soil and increasing its ability to hold water by adding organic amendments to the soil.
Improving irrigation water management at the field level by using the application of remote sensing technologies using the Surface Energy Balance of the Earth (SEBAL) algorithm to determine the evapotranspiration of crops.