Under the patronage of the President of Kirkuk University, Prof. Dr. Imran Jamal Hassan, and in the presence of his scientific assistant, Prof. Dr. Abdullah Ali Mohammed Tamim, and under the supervision of the Dean of the College, Assistant Professor Dr. Osamah Ibrahim Ahmed, and within the directives of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and the Presidency of Kirkuk University to exchange information and exchange ideas between professors of Iraqi universities and Arab and international universities, which aims to raise the global ranking of Kirkuk University, and increase the solidity of scientific research for Kirkuk University researchers, the Deanship of the College of Agriculture hosted the visiting professor, Prof. Dr. Khalil Ibrahim Al-Jawasreh from the College of Agriculture, University of Science and Technology, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, to give a scientific lecture on the importance of extensive genomic information and methods of its analysis, in the presence of the teaching staff and graduate students in the college.

Scientific lecture by the visiting professor at the college on the wide genome and methods of its analysis
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