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A joint research team from the Universities of Kirkuk and Baghdad completes a scientific study on treating visual pollution resulting from the random design of gardens, parks and medians.

A joint research team from the Universities of Kirkuk and Baghdad completes a scientific study on treating visual pollution resulting from the random design of gardens, parks and medians.

A group of researchers from the Universities of Kirkuk and Baghdad, Dr. Saad Abdulmajeed Wahib, and Dr. Ahmed Essam Dawood, from the College of Agriculture, University of Kirkuk, and Asst. Lect. Rawaa Hamdi Rashid from the College of Education for Girls, University of Baghdad, conducted an important scientific study aimed at addressing the problem of visual pollution resulting from the random design of gardens, parks and medians, and submitting the results of the scientific study to the Directorate of Municipalities of Kirkuk Governorate, Parks Division.

The head of the research team, Dr. Saad Abdulmajeed Wahib, explained that the study focused on the basic rules for garden design, as different designs were analyzed and compared using the Garden Planner program, and the results revealed the importance of sound design guidelines in reducing visual pollution and enhancing the aesthetics of green areas.

Considering this study, an important step towards improving the quality of the urban environment and raising awareness of the importance of sustainable planning for green spaces in cities. It is expected that the results of the study will contribute to developing new strategies for designing gardens and parks aimed at improving the quality of life for local communities.