Leturers from the University of Kirkuk, namely Professor Dr. Hussein Thahir Tahir from the College of Agriculture, Professor Dr. Mohsen Omar Muhammad from the College of Science, and Assistant Professor Dr. Abdul Hakim Shakur Muhammad from the University Presidency, participated in the activities of the 17th Spring of Shahada Cultural Festival. Which was organized by the Holy Imam Hussein Shrine over the course of three days. The participants explained that the festival included various activities, including the opening of the Karbala International Book Fair, a Qur’anic evening, an introduction ceremony for guests, attendance at the devotional practice of serving Imam Hussein (peace be upon him), research sessions, a tour of the projects of the Holy Hussein Shrine, and a central celebration on the occasion of the birth of the Shaabaniya moons of Muhammad (Peace be upon them), a visit to the Commander of the Faithful, Ali bin Abi Talib (peace be upon him), an evening of religious tawashish, a symposium on the holy Hussein shrine between the past and the present, an interfaith dialogue workshop, and an evening of eloquent Arabic poetry.

Lecturers from Kirkuk University participate in the activities of the Spring of Shahada Cultural Festival.
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