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Researchers from the University of Kirkuk cooperate with multiple researchers to publish a joint research in an international journal.

Researchers from the University of Kirkuk cooperate with multiple researchers to publish a joint research in an international journal.

A research team composed of Asst. Lect. Hanan Abdel Rahman No'man, Asst. Lect. Muhammad Madhi Zain Al-Abidin, and researcher Ibrahim Adnan Al-Taie from the College of Agriculture, University of Kirkuk, Asst. Lect. Rawiz Dilshad Siddiq from the College of Agriculture, Hawija. and Asst. Prof. Dr. Kwestan Ali Amin from the College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences, University of Sulaymaniyah, and Dr. Ahmed Sami Shaker from the Department of Animal Production - Directorate of Agricultural Research in Sulaymaniyah, conducted a joint scientific research in the international journal IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environment science, which is classified within Scopus.

The researchers explained that their study dealt with the issue of using the coefficient of variation to study the homogeneity of carcass characteristics for three genetic lines of Japanese quail. .
They explained that their study aimed to evaluate the homogeneity of carcass characteristics for three genetic lines of Japanese quail using the coefficient of variation.
They added that their study concluded that the carcass characteristics of Japanese quail differ between the three genetic lines (white, brown, grey). The high coefficient of variation values may be due to the bird’s breeding system.

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