In order to provide solutions and proposals, Kirkuk University formed a scientific committee of professors from the College of Agriculture to visit the General Company for Textile and Leather Industry - Kirkuk Cotton Ginning Branch to provide solutions and proposals to solve the problems and obstacles facing textile factories. The committee, headed by Dr. Hussein Abdullah Ahmed and including Dr. Ashraf Hashim Ali, Dr. Ahmed Essam Dawood, Dr. Ali Asghar Zainal, and Asst. Lect. Ahmed Salahudin Bahaudin, included members. The head of the committee stated that he and his committee members made a scientific visit to the General Company for Textile and Leather Industry - Kirkuk Cotton Ginning to discuss the problems and obstacles facing the cotton production process, and to provide solutions that address these problems in a serious and sustainable manner to ensure its ability to compete and grow in the future, in addition to discussing projects related to the national program for developing cotton varieties, diversifying sources of raw materials, improving financial efficiency, as well as renewing equipment and using modern technologies in production.

Kirkuk University forms a scientific committeeto visit the General Company for Textile and Leather Industry
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