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The College of Pharmacy holds a symposium entitled (The Role of Women in Achieving the Goals of Sustainability, Environment and Renewable Energy)

The College of Pharmacy holds a symposium entitled (The Role of Women in Achieving the Goals of Sustainability, Environment and Renewable Energy)

The Women's Affairs Unit at the College of Pharmacy, through the Continuing Education Division, held a symposium entitled (The Role of Women in Achieving the Goals of Sustainability, Environment and Renewable Energy) on Wednesday, 4/3/2024.

The symposium included several axes through which the two researchers, Assistant Professor Dr. Amira Kamal Muhammad and Assistant Lecturer Zainab Azal Mahdi, addressed the concept of sustainable development centered on meeting the needs of the present for environmental, social and economic development worldwide.
It explains that sustainable development has global goals aimed at improving education and health, preserving the environment, investing natural resources in optimal ways, and achieving justice and equality between women and men.
The symposium also referred to the great role of women in achieving the sustainability process, starting with their role as mothers and educators of generations and their role in society as contributors to decision-making.


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