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Quality and Performance Department

The Department of Quality Assurance and University Performance was established in 2018 AD upon the establishment of the College of Pharmacy, Kirkuk University.

Among the duties and tasks of the Department : -

  1. Follow up on the implementation of the college’s annual plan, and the development and quality of scientific laboratories.
  2. Follow up on the performance evaluation of teaching staff, technical and administrative staff.
  3. Evaluating the performance of the college, branches, and divisions at the end of each year.
  4. Follow up on the publication of research, seminars, conferences and workshops for teachers and employees.
  5. Participation in university performance and quality assurance courses and workshops.
  6. Follow up on the college’s plan in terms of goals, vision, and mission on a regular basis.
  7. Follow up on updating information related to quality assurance and university performance and install it on the college’s website.
  8. Following up on the CVs (scientific and administrative) of teachers and employees.
  9. The department is directly linked to the Dean of the College.

The Department consists of the following units:

  1. University Performance Unit
  2. Laboratory accreditation unit

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