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Human Resources Department

The Department was established since the founding of the college in 2018, and one of the tasks of this division is administrative matters related to teachers and employees in terms of promotions, allowances, retirement, vacations... and others through issuing orders.
Units affiliated with the division and their work

The Human Resources Department includes a group of units, namely:

  1. Incoming and Outgoing Unit: It is one of the most important units affiliated with the Human Resources Division. Its work is issuing books and administrative orders and supplying those sent to it from other parties.
  2. Electronic Archiving Unit: The unit preserves the employee’s personal books, and among its duties it works on bonuses and promotions.
  3. Employment and Staffing Unit: The work of this unit is to match staffing by job titles and others, as well as to calculate the employee’s regular, sick, or study leaves.
  4. Retirement Unit: One of the tasks of the Retirement Unit is to calculate the employee’s job service during the permitted legal period and refer him to retirement.
  5. Database: It works to save all the employee’s priorities in terms of (first and last name, mother’s name, birth, residence, job title, academic title... and others) through applicable tables and formulas.

The Department is affiliated with the Assistant Dean for Administrative Affairs.

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