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The College of Pharmacy holds an educational course entitled (How to Deal with Hazardous Chemicals in Scientific Laboratories)

The College of Pharmacy holds an educational course entitled (How to Deal with Hazardous Chemicals in Scientific Laboratories)

The Pharmaceuticals Branch at the College of Pharmacy, through the Continuing Education Division, held an educational course entitled (How to Deal with Hazardous Chemicals in Scientific Laboratories) that lasted for three days, starting on Sunday, February 25, 2024.

The course included a lecture in which chemist Israa Kazem Majeed explained the importance of chemicals, how to be careful and deal with them in scientific laboratories, the use of glass tools in conducting laboratory experiments, getting rid of vapors and gases resulting from the use of chemical materials, and how to use sublimation, filtration, and distillation devices.
The course recommended adhering to established guidelines and applying laboratory safety methods in disposing of chemical waste, acids and bases, outside the laboratory after treating them with treated materials to reduce environmental pollution.



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