Under the patronage of the respected President of Kirkuk University, Professor Dr. Imran Jamal Hassan, and under the supervision of the Dean of the College, Assistant Professor Dr. Osamah Ibrahim Ahmed, the Women's Affairs Unit, in cooperation with the Human Rights Unit, the Continuing Education Division, and the Student Activities Division at the College, organized an awareness seminar on human rights in general and children's rights in particular on the occasion of the anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, with the attendance and participation of the Assistant Dean for Administrative and Financial Affairs, Assistant Professor Dr. Muhammad Abdul Rahim Muhammad, and members and students of the college. The seminar included a lecture given by Professor Dr. Salah Arabi, Chairman of the Central Human Rights Committee at Kirkuk University, in which he explained that a person, wherever he is, regardless of his religion, sect, or color, remains a human being with rights that everyone must respect, indicating that the state must develop a methodological material that is taught to students from the early stages of their studies, so that they are familiar with the most important provisions of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in the world.

Awareness seminar at Kirkuk University on human rights
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