Under the patronage of the respected President of Kirkuk University, Prof. Dr. Imran Jamal Hassan, and under the supervision of the Dean of the College, Assistant Professor Dr. Osama Ibrahim Ahmed, the Women's Affairs Unit at the College organized an awareness seminar on burnout in the work environment, awareness and guidance to overcome stress, with the attendance and participation of all college members. The seminar included a lecture by the human development and self-development trainer, Ms. Maha Abdul Latif Ali, in which she explained the meaning of job burnout, which is a special type of psychological stress related to work, a state of physical or psychological stress that includes a feeling of declining productivity and loss of personal identity as a result of long-term work pressures that have not been recognized and treated. This type of burnout involves mental, emotional or physical exhaustion, often accompanied by a sense of pessimism and despair. The seminar recommended that there be a fair distribution system for the tasks assigned to employees, and changing the work location for people who suffer from psychological stress and discomfort in their current work location, and that there should always be moral support for people who work with sincerity and dedication to support them in providing the best and the best.

Awareness seminar at Kirkuk University on burnout in the work environment
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