Under the patronage of the President of Kirkuk University, Prof. Dr. Imran Jamal Hassan, and under the supervision of the Dean of the College, Assistant Professor Dr. Osama Ibrahim Ahmed, the Psychological Counseling and Educational Guidance Unit, in cooperation with the Continuing Education Division, organized an awareness seminar for college students on the proposed solutions to reduce drugs, in the presence of the Assistant Dean for Administrative and Financial Affairs, Assistant Professor Dr. Muhammad Abdul Rahim Muhammad and the teaching staff. The seminar included two lectures, by Dr. Hussein Wahab and Asst. Lect. Maha Ahmed Kamal, in which they discussed the position of Islam and the law on drug trafficking, promotion and abuse, with the aim of educating university students about the extent of the danger of drugs. The seminar recommended the need to increase media campaigns, whether on social media or in holding awareness lectures and seminars that show the extent of the danger of this scourge on society, especially the young generation, which is considered the most targeted group by drug dealers and promoters, and to educate them about legal culture, to show that the Iraqi legislator has imposed strict penalties to reduce drug trafficking, promotion and abuse.

Awareness seminar at Kirkuk University on proposed solutions to reduce drugs
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