A delegation from the College of Agriculture, University of Kirkuk visited Istanbul University - Cerrahpasa - Faculty of Forestry, to discuss the mechanism of scientific cooperation between the two universities. The Dean of the College of Agriculture and head of the visiting delegation, Assistant Professor Dr. Osamah Ibrahim Ahmed, explained that he headed a delegation that included the Head of the Department of Forestry Sciences at the college, Assistant Professor Dr. Metin Yilmaz Ezz El-Din, and his rapporteur, Asst. Lect. Muhammad Muntaz Ibrahim, to visit Istanbul University - Cerrahpasa - Faculty of Forestry within the principle of scientific cooperation with international universities. The Dean of the College stated that he discussed with the other side the mechanisms for organizing joint scientific cooperation between the two universities in the field of exchanging scientific expertise.
A delegation from the College of Agriculture visits Istanbul University to exchange scientific expertise
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