The lecturer at the College of Agriculture, Asst. Lect. Pola Jalal Nader, participated in the work of the Fifth International Scientific Conference on Agricultural Sciences, which was organized by the College of Agriculture, University of Basra, from November 27-28, 2024, on the role of sustainability in developing the agricultural sector, with wide participation by researchers from various Iraqi, Arab and international universities. The participating lecturer explained that the conference dealt with several axes, fish and marine wealth, food sciences, horticulture and landscape design, animal production, soil sciences and water resources, field crops, agricultural machinery and equipment. He added that the conference aims to know the goals of sustainable development that address issues related to agriculture, as the colleges of agriculture have devoted their capabilities to achieving this desired goal in full, and there are extensive discussions on how to define sustainable agriculture since agriculture contributes to development as an economic activity, a source of livelihood, and a provider and user of environmental services, so it should be viewed through three dimensions of sustainability: economic, social and environmental.

A lecturer at Kirkuk University participates in an international scientific conference at Basra University
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