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The College of Agriculture organizes an educational visit for students of Al-Baraem Orphanage.

The College of Agriculture organizes an educational visit for students of Al-Baraem Orphanage.

Under the sponsorship and supervision of the Dean of the College of Agriculture, Assistant Professor Dr. Osama Ibrahim Ahmed, and within the activities of the Women’s Empowerment Unit in the College, a visit was organized for the students of Al-Baraem Orphanage in Kirkuk, to the fields and laboratories of the College of Agriculture.dar baraem2

The head of the Women’s Empowerment Unit at the college, Mrs. Shah and Bu Omar Ali, explained that based on the directives of the Women’s Empowerment Department in the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, and the Women’s Empowerment Division in the Presidency of the University of Kirkuk, on the necessity of opening up the ministry’s formations to society in order to benefit from them in all fields, an educational visit was organized for students of Al Baraem Orphange to the college’s fields and laboratories.dar baraem4

She added: "The aim of organizing this visit for the students of the home is to encourage and motivate them to continue their studies and excel in it, so that they will be builders of this nation."dar baraem5