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Asst. Lect. Pola Jalal Nader


Full name: Pola Jalal Nader

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Academic qualifications: Master's in Animal Production

University/ Department (Date Acquired): Kirkuk University/Department of Animal Production (2017)

University information

College: Agriculture

Department: Animal Production

Scientific title: Assistant Lecturer

Degree: Master's

General specialty: Animal Production

Specific Specialization: Animal Production

Scientific activities

1. Participation in the Third International Conference on Agricultural Sciences, College of Agriculture/University of Basra, March 22-27, 2019, Basra - Research publication
2. Participation in the Joint International Conference on Modern Agricultural Technologies - University of Kirkuk, Anbar and Salah al-Din (ICCMAT) May 3-4, 2023 - Erbil
3. Participation in the Second International Agricultural Conference - Sulaymaniyah University / College of Agricultural Sciences
4. Participation as a trainer in the course (professionalism fish farming from basic principles to) by Royal Crown Company and with the support of UNDP
5. Iraqi Certificate for Computer Skills and Information Technology (Kirkuk University) 2014.
6. Participation in the tenth scientific symposium under the title (Water is Life), held at the College of Agriculture - University of Kirkuk on 03/25/2018.
7. Participation in the virtual training workshop entitled (Total Quality in Institutions), which was held by the Center for Continuing Education / Presidency of Al-Nahrain University on 03/19/2022.
8. Participation in the activities of the virtual interactive conference entitled (Contaminated dairy products, their dangers and methods of treatment) in cooperation with the College of Agricultural Technology at the Northern Technical University and the College of Science at the University of Kirkuk, which was held on 08/20/2022.
9. Participation in completing the assigned work in the agricultural exhibition held at the Kirkuk Agricultural Extension and Training Center on 04/14/2016.
10. Participation in the artistic activities held at the College of Agriculture on 06/08/2016.
11. Participation in the success of the project to employ students during the summer vacation at the Agricultural Research and Experiments Station belonging to the College of Agriculture / University of Kirkuk on 12/26/2017.
12. Participation in the workshop entitled (Intellectual investment in water and agriculture in light of technology challenges), which was held by TLOGIA Academy on the Zoom platform, on 08/19/2023.

Professor contact information: College digital management system

Published Researches:

1- Published a joint research entitled (Impact of Black Grape byproducts on Blood picture in Common Carp) in the Basra Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Volume 30, Issue 1, pp. 32-37 in 2017.

2- Publishing a joint research entitled (Impact of Black Grape By-Products on Some Biological Parameters, and Chemical Composition of Common Carp) at the Third International Conference of Agricultural Sciences, College of Agriculture/University of Basra, March 27-28, 2019.

3- Published a joint research entitled (Effect of microalgae Spirulina spp. as food additive on some biological and blood parameters of common carp Cyprinus carpio L) in the Iraqi Journal of Veterinary Sciences, Volume 33, Issue 1, pp. 27-31, 2019

4- Published a joint research entitled (The use of Chlorella pyrenoidosa and Daphnia magna as feed supplements for common carp, Cyprinus carpio: growth performance,

5- (somatic indices, and hemato-biochemical biomarkers) in the Journal of Applied Aquaculture, Volume 34, Issue 1, pp. 64-78 in 2022.