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Prof. Dr. Kareem Abdullah Hassan Al Bayati


Full name: Kareem Abdullah Hassan Al Bayati

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Academic qualifications: Ph.D. in Viral Diseases

University/ Department (Date Acquired): University of Baghdad/Department of Plant Protection (2004)

University information

College: Agriculture

Department: Field Crops

Scientific title: Professor

Degree: Ph.D

General specialty: Agricultural Sciences – Plant Protection

Specific Specialization: Plant Protection –Plant Pathology

Scientific activities

T Title Location Type of Participation (Research - Attendance) Year
1 The First and Second Agricultural Conference for Diyala Agriculture, Diyala Governorate, Action Plan of the Prevention Department 2004-2005
2 An Agricultural Conference for Civil Society Organizations, Diyala Governorate, Organization and Management of the Conference 2006
3 The First and Second College of Agriculture Conference, University of Diyala, Research 2009 -2011
4 The First College of Science Conference, Diyala University, Research 2009
The First Scientific Agricultural Conference, Kirkuk, Research 2018 The
Second International Scientific Agricultural Conference, Turkey, Research 2021
5 The Jordan Environment Conference, Study 2013
6 Scientific and agricultural extension courses in the districts and districts of the governorate, Diyala Governorate
+ Kirkuk, Seminar management 1992 until 2006
7 Integrated control workshop, Iraqi Ministry of Agriculture, developing a study and plans 2005
8 Integrated management workshop, Kurdistan region, developing plans and study 2005
9 Workshop on rationing using irrigation, Kurdistan region, developing plans and study 2007
10 Wheat bush control workshop, Kurdistan region, developing plans and study 2005
11 workshop Dubas and the white jasmine fly to find a common predator Australia - Brisbane Cicero conducted a study on the life of pests and their biological control 2005
12 Workshop on the production process from preparing the land to production, marketing, storage and export Italy Bari Research Institute Planning the production process 2012
13 Joint symposium on biological control Diyala University College of Agriculture Lecture 2013
14 Livestock and Fodder Symposium Diyala University College of Agriculture Symposium Management 2013
15 Save Iraq Palms Conference - Baghdad Civil Society Organizations Participating and Supporting 2004
Iraq Economy Conference Civil Society Organizations - Jordan Participant 2017
16 Chemical and Biological Materials Workshop Al-Nahrain University - College of Science Participant 2013
Workshop Making (Palms) Kirkuk University Trainer and Head of the Workshop 2017
Workshop (Making Workshop) Kirkuk University Trainer and Head of the Workshop 2017

- Courses in which he participated and which he held:
Course title Location Year
1 Waste and Environment Ministry of Industry 2013
2 Beekeeping - Baghdad Ministry of National Reconciliation - Baghdad 2013
3 Agricultural economy is responsible for the progress of peoples Jordan 2017

- Scientific innovations or activities in which he received (awards / certificates of appreciation / letters of thanks):

- Type of creativity or activity, what was obtained (award / certificate of appreciation / letter of thanks from the donor, title of the activity or creativity, year)

1 Combating the jungles of wheat and barley Acknowledgments Minister of Agriculture Combating the jungles of strategic crops 2004

2 Combating worms and gorse Acknowledgments Director General of the General Authority for Agricultural Protection Air control 2005

3 Activating the role of agricultural civil society organizations. Thanks and appreciation from the Governor of Diyala. Activating the role of civil society organizations 2007

4 Activating the role of agricultural committees in the governorate. Thanks and appreciation, Governor of Diyala, Agricultural Committees 2007

5 Performance Evaluation of the Head of the Prevention Department Acknowledgments Director of Agriculture Performance Evaluation 2005-2996

6 Achieving high productivity. Thanks and appreciation, Governor of Diyala, high productivity, 1993, 1994, 1995.

7 Participation in the TAFDB Certificate Conference, College of Agriculture, Research Participation, 2008

8 Participation in a conference, Certificate of Appreciation, College of Science, Research Participation, 2009

9 Participation workshop Certificate of Appreciation Italy Bari Institute Participation workshop 2012

10 visits and evaluation of the performance of juice factories in Italy, certificate of appreciation, Italy visit 2012

11 Administration of the Administrative and Legal Department Certificate of Appreciation President of the University of Diyala Performance Evaluation 2011

12 Central Library Administration Certificate of Appreciation President of Diyala University Performance Evaluation 2012

13 Completion of the work of various committees. Acknowledgments and appreciation: 3 President of the University of Diyala Performance Evaluation 2010-2011

14 Chairmanship of Bashaer Al-Khair Committees Acknowledgments and Appreciation Number 3 President of Diyala University Performance Evaluation 2010-2012

15 Membership in promotion, deletion and creation committees, bonuses, thanks and appreciation 4 President of the University of Diyala Performance Evaluation 2010-2012

16 Membership in Service Addition Committees Acknowledgments 2 President of Diyala University Performance Evaluation 2010

17 Membership of the Structural Committee. Acknowledgments, President of the University of Diyala, Performance Evaluation 2011

18 contributions to the revival of the first College of Agriculture conference. Acknowledgments and appreciation: 2 President of the University of Diyala Performance Evaluation 2008

19 Persistence in attendance and continuous attendance. Thanks and Appreciation No. 2 President of Diyala University Performance Evaluation 2006-2007

20 Completion of a certificate of appreciation, thanks and appreciation from the Director of the Office of the House of Representatives, Performance Evaluation for 2013

21 Accomplishment of thanks and appreciation work for 18 deans of colleges - University of Diyala, performance evaluation from 2007 until 2013.

22 Participation in a workshop, Certificate of Appreciation, Al-Nahrain University, College of Science, Participation in a workshop 2013

6 exam committees, thanks and appreciation, Kirkuk University

Scientific festivals of thanks and appreciation from 14 Kirkuk University

- Authorship and translation:

Title of the book Name of publishing house Number of editions Systematic/non-systematic Basics of diseases and diseases of field crops Narcissus First edition Methodology for investigating the cause of pustular mosaic disease - yellowing in eggplant crops Dar Nour Publishing First edition Non-methodological Fertilizers, pesticides, chemical and biological materials, and weapons Double effects and their impact on the environment and humans Al-Shorouk, a first non-methodological edition, the Nile flower - its description - its harms - its benefits - its control, Al-Shorouk, a first edition, a methodology, tools and machines for spraying pesticides and the spraying mechanism under the hand. Pollution and waste recycling under the hand. The basics of diseases and diseases of horticultural plants under the hand. Insects Field Crops Under Hand Human Rights and Good Citizenship - Under Hand Pests of crops, vegetables and trees and their damage Methods of combating them - Under Hand - Positions held by the position Workplace Period from - to 1 Assistant Head of Canaan Agriculture Division Canaan 4/4/1992 2 Head Bani Saad Bani Saad Division 4/6/1982-5/6/1997 3 Head of Habhab Habhab Division 6/7/1997-4/7/1998 4 Head of fixed committees Baqubah Agriculture Directorate 5 Assistant Head of Bani Saad Bani Saad Division 1999 6 Head Department of Plant Protection - Agriculture, Diyala, Baqubah 2004- 2006 7 Assistant Dean of the College of Agriculture - Diyala, University of Diyala 8/11/2006 8 Assistant Dean of the College of Science - Diyala (lack of a dean), University of Diyala 3/2007 9 Director of the Department of Scholarships and Cultural Relations, Presidency of the University of Diyala 9/2007-9/2008 10 Director of the Planning and Control Department, Presidency of the University of Diyala 9/2007-9/2008 11 Registrar General, Presidency of the University of Diyala 9/20079/2008 12 Director of the Administrative and Legal Affairs Department, Presidency of the University of Diyala 1/2010-25/11/ 2011 13 Secretary General of the Central Library, Presidency of the University of Diyala 11/25/2011-11/2012 14 Director of the Library of the College of Agriculture 2/2013 Director of the Agricultural Quarantine Department - Trebil, Trebil Border Complex 4/1999 - 7/1999 15 Head of the Department of Horticulture and Landscape Engineering, College Agriculture, University of Kirkuk 2016 16 Scientific Officer, College of Agriculture - Kirkuk 2019 17 Head of the Field Crops Department, College of Agriculture - Kirkuk 2022 - Universities or institutes in which he studied: The entity (university (college) institute) period from - to Notes 1 College of Agriculture, Diyala 2006- 2014 2 College of Science - Diyala 2005-2012 3 College of Agriculture - Kirkuk 2015 - Ongoing - Courses taught by: University College Department Subject Academic year 1 Diyala Agriculture Horticulture and garden engineering Orchard insects 2006 - until 2014 2 Diyala University Agriculture Horticulture Plant diseases 2006-until 2007 3 Diyala Biological Sciences Plant Diseases 2006-until 2007 4 Diyala Biological Sciences Insects 2006-until 2011 5 Diyala Biological Sciences Invertebrates 2011-2012 6 Diyala Biological Sciences English 2011 7 Diyala Agriculture Livestock Fundamentals of Prevention 2009, 2010 8 Diyala Agriculture Horticulture + crops Beekeeping 2010-2014 9 Diyala Agriculture Horticulture Foundations of prevention 2011 10 Diyala Agriculture Field crops Biochemistry 2014 11 Kirkuk Agriculture Horticulture + crops + livestock _ soil + forests Tree diseases Forests - orchard diseases - crop diseases - insects Crops - insects Forests - insects orchards - principles of prevention - foundations of prevention - beekeeping 2015 - ongoing for postgraduate studies Subject Teaching methods - Courses that he developed or contributed to developing: Insects Biochemistry Plant diseases Tree diseases Forests Insects Crops Insects Orchards Beekeeping Teaching methods - Episodes Study/postgraduate studies - supervising theses and dissertations:T University College Department Title of Thesis or Dissertation Academic Year 1 Kirkuk Agriculture Horticulture 2016-2019

Professor contact information: College digital management system

Published Researches:

1- Evaluation of the effectiveness of table salt, ash, and some chemical fungicides against palm pollen disease Khiyas in Diyala Governorate / Iraq. Diyala Journal of Natural Sciences, Volume (2), Issue (2), 2010.
2- Testing the effectiveness of herbicides and varieties of barley in reducing the spread of thin and broad-leaved bushes. Diyala Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Volume (2), Issue (2), 2010.
3- A preliminary study of the extent of the spread of cucumber mosaic virus in protected fields of the Solanaceae family in Diyala Governorate. Diyala Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Volume (2, Issue (1) 236-249, 2010) 4- Management of cucumber mosaic virus disease
in the Bani Saad region (Diyala Governorate) in Open fields. Diyala Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Volume (4), Issue (1), 108-119, 2012.
5- Evaluation of sulfaxaflor as anoval group insecticide againsit whitfly Bemisia tabaci Gana. On cucumber at Ninevah Governorat /Kwer Distriput. Diyala Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Vol. (5) Issue (1) 02-27-2013 Diyala Journal of Agricultural Sciences Volume (5) Issue (1) 2013.
Published research
1- Diagnostic and molecular study of cucumber mosaic virus in Iraq. Diyala Journal of Agricultural Sciences (joint)
2- Resistance to the fungus Fusarium solani, which causes yellowing and death of palm fronds in Diyala Governorate (joint)
3- Using plant barriers and yellow traps in managing viral diseases on the potato plant Solanum tuberosum L. in the Bani Saad and Khanaqin regions in Diyala Governorate

He has more than 35 published papers - 7 of which are in Scopus - 21 of which are foreign journals - He has three books written - three more are under hand.

A table that includes research published and indexed in Scopus and Web of Science for the last five years before the evaluation year (2015 to 2019) by the teacher / Prof. Dr. Karim Abdullah Hassan Al-Bayati - College of Agriculture, University of Kirkuk

Sequence Name of researcher(s) Research name Journal name Publication year Journal type
1 Hussein A. Salim1*, Qais K. Zewain2, Kareem A. Hassan3, Mahmood M. Salman4 Effectiveness of Talstar and Decis insecticides against dubas bug, ommatissus
binotatus f. sp. lybicus (Homoptera: Tropiduchidae) at Diyala Governorate, Iraq
Journal of Gene c and Environmental Resources Conserva on, 2017, 5(1):24-27. Print ISSN: 2306-8663, Online ISSN: 2306 - 8280
2 Karim Abdullah Hassan: Muhammad Nadim Qasim Hantoush: Imad Adnan Mahdi The effectiveness of alcoholic extracts of calgan leaves and walnut bark in combating the fungus Rizoctonia solani, which causes seed rot disease and... Seedling death in tomato III. International Scientific Conference for Agricultural Sciences ....... The Third International Agricultural Conference for Agricultural Sciences 2018
3 Talib Khamas Hussein, Karim Abdullah Hassan, Muhammad Nadim Qasim The effectiveness of extracts of mulberry and borage in combating the fungus Rhizoctonia solani, which causes seed rot
and death of okra seedlings Res. on Crops 19 (4): 720-723 (2018)
Printed in India 2018
4 Aziz MA Al- Shammari
, Kareem AH Al Bayati Asmaa Yahya Sameen The Effect of The Density of Cucumber Nested with The Potato Crop
to Reduce The Damage of The White Fly And Its Effect on 2 - The Population
Density of The Insect and Some Characteristics of The Quantitative Yield of
The Potato Crop Journal of Agricultural, Environmental
and Veterinary Sciences
Volume (3), Issue (3): 30 Sep 2019
P: 91- 103 2019
CORRELATION AND PATH COEFFICIENT ANALYSIS IN ONION (ALLIUM CEPA L.) International Journal of Advances in Science Engineering and Technology, ISSN(p): 2321 –8991, ISSN(e ): 2321 -9009 Volume-7, Issue-4, Oct.-2019, Correlation and Path Coefficient Analysis in Onion (Allium cepa L.) 58 2019
6 Kareem A. Hassan Al- Bayati
Use of Vegetal barriers and yellow traps in the management of potato-borne disease (PVY) transmitted by Aphids insects on the Solanum tuberosumL.

Bioscience Research
Print ISSN: 1811-9506 Online ISSN: 2218-3973
Journal by Innovative Scientific Information & Services Network
7 Kareem Abdullah Hassan Al Bayati
Plant Archives Vol. 19 No. 2, 2019 pp. 3695-3700 2019
8 QAIS K. ZEWAIN1,*, KAREEM A. HASSAN2 AND SALAM F. ALI3 Comparative performance of several novel organic formulations
against root knot nematode Meloidogyne spp. on eggplant crop
under greenhouse condition
Res. on Crops 20 (4): 807-813 (2019)
Printed in India 2019
9 Karim Abdullah Hassan Al-Bayati, Muhammad Nadim Qasim Hantoush, Abdul-Jabbar Saleh Ahmed The effectiveness of extracts of sage and borage in combating the fungus Rhizoctonia solani, which causes seed rot
and death of okra seedlings.

10 Kamal Benyamin Esho, Haneen Muner Hussen* and Kareem Abdullah H. Albaiaty GENOTYPIC AND PHENOTYPIC VARIATION AND HERITABILITY IN BULB
International Journal of Recent Scientific Research
Vol. 10, Issue, 05(C), pp. 32345-32348, May, 2019 2019
CORRELATION AND PATH COEFFICIENT ANALYSIS IN ONION (ALLIUM CEPA L.) International Journal of Advances in Science Engineering and Technology, ISSN(p): 2321 -8991, ISSN(e): 2321 -9009 Volume-7, Issue-4, Oct.-2019, http://iraj. 2019
12 Aziz MA Al- Shammari,
Kareem AH Al Bayati, Asmaa Yahya Sameen The Effect of The Density of Cucumber Nested with The Potato Crop to Reduce The Damage of The White Fly And Its Effect on 2 - The Population Density of The Insect and Some Characteristics of The Quantitative Yield of The Potato Crop
Journal of Agricultural, Environmental
and Veterinary Sciences
Volume (3), Issue (3): 30 Sep 2019
P: 91- 103 2019
13 QAIS K. ZEWAIN1,*, KAREEM A. HASSAN2 AND SALAM F. ALI3 Comparative performance of several novel organic formulations
against root knot nematode Meloidogyne spp. on eggplant crop
under greenhouse condition
Res. on Crops 20 (4): 807-813 (2019)
Printed in India 2019
Efficacy of tolerance of bio-agents and plant pathogenic fungi to fungicides by food poison technique
Vol. II, Issue 12/ March 2015
Impact Factor: 3.1 (UIF)
DRJI Value: 5.9 (B+)

15 Shaima Qassim Abed Al Nabi Bismar, Barham Kh. Mohammed, Kareem AH Al-Bayati
Effect of spraying by fertilizer liquid Nitrogen and Zinc on some traits of vegetable growth characters and infection rate of citrus leaves digger on sour orange seedlings (Citrus aurantium L.)
Plant Archives RN,1No.UPENG/2001/ 5119
ISSN;2581-6063 2018
16 Sawsan Tariq Haseeb * Ali Farouk Al-Maadidi ** Karim Abdullah Hassan Al-Bayati ***
The effect of nanofertilizer and calcium silicate on some vegetative traits of Gerbera jamesonii L. and the incidence of powdery mildew

Journal of Agricultural Sciences – Kirkuk 2019
Mona Saleh Matar* Ali Farouk Qasim Al-Maadidi** Karim Abdullah Hassan Evaluation of licorice and oleander leaf solutions on some vegetative growth traits of Rose Sultani Rosa sp. And its effect on the incidence of powdery mildew.
Journal of Agricultural Sciences - Kirkuk 2019
18 Aziz MA Al- Shammari,
Kareem AH Al Bayati, Asmaa Yahya Sameen
Faculty of Agriculture University of Kirkuk || Iraq The Effect of The Density of Cucumber Nested with The Potato Crop to Reduce The Damage of The White Fly And Its Effect on 2 - The Population Density of The Insect and Some Characteristics of The Quantitative Yield of The Potato Crop Journal of Agricultural, Environmental
and Veterinary Sciences
Volume (3), Issue (3): 30 Sep 2019
P: 91- 103 2019
19 Muhammad Nadim Qasim + Karim Abdullah Hassan Al-Bayati Effectiveness of Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Alcoholic
Extract of Walnut Tree Bark against Green Rot on Orange Fruits
Caused by Penicillium digitatum Indian Journal of Ecology (2021) 48 Special Issue (15): 319-323 2021
20 Muhammad Nadeem Qasim + Karim Abdullah Hassan Al Bayati Antifungal Activity of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and S.
boulardii and Alcoholic Extracts of Populus euphratica and
against Myrtus communis Macrophomina phaseolina in Vitro Indian Journal of Ecology (2021) 48 Special Issue (13): 222-226 2021
COLOR TRAPS FOR APHIDS INSECT MYZUS PERSICAE SULZ. IN KALAR CITY, IRAQ Plant Archives Vol. 20, Supplement 2, 2020 pp. 1231-1235 2021
22- Use of beans and yellow traps to reduce the density of the aphid Myzuse persicae sulz. and their effect in managing Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus (BMYD) disease, In the barley field in Buhruz district in Diyala governorate

Kareem A. Hassan Al Bayati, Shaheen A. Mustafa, Abbas A.Taha, Aako Ghazi Sattar
*Uni.kirkuk, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
AIP Conference proceedings (ISSN:0094-243X).
22- Management of the yellow corn stem borer, Sesamia cretica LED. Using some pesticides and their alternatives and their effect on production components of yellow corn crop Zea mays in Kirkuk governorate
Kareem Abdullah Hassan Al Bayati, Zakaria M. Mohammed, Abbas A. Taha,
Hassan Hebib Hassan, Hussein Abdullah Ahmed, Ashraf Hashim Ali
Univ. Kirkuk, College of This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.