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Prof. Dr. Khattab Abdullah Mohammed


Full name: Khattab Abdullah Mohammed

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.q

Academic qualifications: Ph.D. in Diffusion and Adoption of modern agriculture

University/ Department (Date Acquired): Alexandria University/Agricultural Extension (2016)

University information

College: Agriculture

Department: Field Crops

Scientific title: Professor

Degree: Ph.D

General specialty: Agricultural Extension

Specific Specialization: Diffusion and Adoption of modern agriculture

Scientific activities

*Courses taught:

A- Pre-Graduate studies: (principles of agricultural extension, principles of agricultural economics, farm management, transfer of agricultural technologies,
forest economics, food industries, principles of practical soil, human rights, freedom and democracy).
B- Postgraduate Studies: (Methods of transferring agricultural techniques, planning extension programs)
* Permanent and temporary committees:
Member of the examination committee in the College of Agriculture for several years, member of the research development committee
, membership and chairmanship of some preparatory, scientific and technical committees for a number of seminars and conferences.

* Community service:
Training agricultural extension workers in Kirkuk Governorate on electronic agricultural extension 2018.
- Lecturer in the training course for employees of the Agricultural Extension and Training Center / Kirkuk on extension
. Agricultural Participation 2017
- Lecturer in a training course for farmers in the Hawija district, which was held by the Hawija Agriculture Division on agriculture
. Al-Baqala 2007
- Lecturer at the Field Day held by the American Agricultural Development Organization in Hawija District on agriculture
. Olive trees 2008
- Training farmers in the Al-Abbasi district on planting and multiplying fruit trees during the scientific symposium held
. In the Agricultural Division in cooperation with Enmaa Organization 2008
-. Participation as a lecturer in the symposium held in the agricultural division of Al-Zab district on conservation agriculture 2009
- Participation in the field day held by the Agricultural Guidance and Training Center on spreading the idea of
​​olive cultivation in Kirkuk Governorate.
- Participation in training workers at the Agricultural Extension and Training Center in Kirkuk Governorate in the field
. Marketing agricultural crops, and farmers’ participation in extension work 2017
- Participation in the workshop held in the Agricultural Extension and Training Department 2020 on
digital agricultural extension.
- Lecturer in the training course held by the Agricultural Extension and Training Department, with lectures on
... Electronic Agricultural Extension 2021
- A lecture on marketing agricultural crops for Hawija farmers and agricultural employees, held by
the NRC 2022.

Professor contact information: College digital management system

Published Researches:

-The Role of Agricultural Extension in Developing and Sustaining School Gardens from The Point of View of School Managers in Kirkuk Governorate / Iraq

- Diffusion of Agricultural Ideas Through the Website of the Agricultural Extension and Training Department on the Social Networking "YouTube"

- Attitude of Al-Qasimia Village Farmers in Hawija District/ Kirkuk Province Toward Cultivation and Consumption White Eggplant - Attitudes of Agricultural Extension Workers in Kirkuk Governorate towards Soil Mulching

- The role of the website of the agricultural extension and training department on the social network "Facebook" in diffusion of agricultural ideas "analytical study.

- Attitudes of students of the faculty of agriculture towards using the internet in agricultural work - a comparative study between Egypt and Iraq

- Awareness of agricultural extension workers in Kirkuk Governorate of nano-fertilizer technology. - The effect of using NPK nanocomposite fertilizers on the growth characteristics and yield of two varieties of potato, L. Sulanum Tuberosum, grown in the autumn shoot.

- The size and importance of the problems and obstacles to marketing the yellow maize crop from the point of view of employees in the maize factories in the Hawija district and the Taza/Kirkuk district.

- The extent of the problems facing the work of agricultural extension workers in the center of Kirkuk Governorate and their relationship to some variables - Sources of decision-making related to agricultural operations for farmers of the village of Mahdia in Hawija District/Kirkuk Governorate/Iraq.

- Dissemination of agricultural ideas among farmers communicating with extension workers through Facebook in Kirkuk Governorate - Iraq.

- Estimating the knowledge level of fish breeders in Hawija District / Kirkuk Governorate.

- Evaluating some elements of the training course for agricultural technicians and extension workers held at the Extension Training Center / Kirkuk from the point of view of the trainees themselves.

- Attitudes of students of the College of Agriculture / University of Kirkuk, first and second stages, towards the agricultural profession and its relationship to some factors.

- Training needs for farmers of Al-Abbasi district in Kirkuk Governorate in the field of use and maintenance of drip irrigation systems and their relationship to some variables.

- The rate of adoption by yellow maize farmers of modern agricultural techniques in Hawija District, Kirkuk Governorate

- Performance of bread wheat varieties in different methods.

- Study of correlation and variation and estimation of some genetic parameters for yield traits and components in bread wheat